Thursday, April 10, 2008

Butterfly Girls

A couple of nights ago we went out to eat with Caleb's family at Chilis. There was a guy there that was making these really cute balloon animals. Maddy got a butterfly hat. Hailee got a teddy bear and Keanon, acted like he was too old, but he got a monkey. When we got home Hailee put Maddy's butterfly on and thought it was the funniest thing ever. I just realized that Hailee always seems to be in her PJs when I take pictures. Yes, I do get her dressed!! Keanon didn't want his picture taken with the butterfly hat. (sorry the picture is kind of blurry!)


The Allen Fam said...

That is a pretty cute hat!!! I think that Maddy looks a ton like you!!! That is so funny that Keanon acted like he is to old!! Your so cute - I miss you a ton!!!

The Hakes Family said...

Hey its Kara Thain..Hakes. How are you. My sister is friends with Becky and she told me about your blog. i have got to do one! Your family is sooo cute!! How are you? Where do you live, I would love to hear from you!!! Email me.